[Math] Geometric proof of existence of irrational numbers.


It is easy, using only straightedge and compass, to construct irrational lengths, is there a way to prove, using only straightedge and compass, that there are constructible lengths which are irrational? Ie a geometric proof.

And is it possible to construct an (unending) sequence of rational lengths or areas, such that they can get arbitrarily close to the area or circumference of a circle?

If not, then does this provide evidence that the real numbers are not sufficiently refined to capture exactly the circumference or area of an idealized circle?

(The idea being that the reals can be constructed from equivalence classes of infinite sequences of rationals, so if the circumference cant be approached arbitrarily by rationals then its not necessarily a real number)

Best Answer

There are many attractive geometric arguments for irrationality. Here is one for the Golden Ratio.

Construct a golden rectangle. A recipe for doing this can be found in Euclid, and was known to early Pythagoreans.

There should be a diagram to illustrate the idea. Perhaps you can draw it yourself. Say the golden rectangle is $ABCD$, with the vertices as usual enumerated counterclockwise, and let $AB$ be a long side of the rectangle.

We prove that the long side and the short side of a golden rectangle are incommensurable. Suppose to the contrary that sides $AB$ and $BC$ have a common measure $m$. Or else, in more modern language, suppose that $AB$ and $BC$ have lengths that are each an integer multiple of some common number $m$. Or, else, even more arithmetically, suppose that each side is an integer.

Cut off a square $AEFD$ from the rectangle, by finding the point $E$ on $AB$ such that $AE=AD$, and slicing straight up. That leaves a rectangle $EBCF$, which by the definition of golden rectangle, is itself golden. It is clear that $m$ is a common measure of the sides of $EBCF$.

Continue, by cutting off a square from $EBCF$, leaving an even smaller golden rectangle whose sides have common measure $m$. Clearly, this process can be continued forever. But after a while, each side of the little golden rectangle just produced will be less than the hypothesized common measure $m$, and we get our contradiction.

There has been speculation that this was the first irrationality proof. The only problem with this theory is the total lack of evidence.

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