[Math] Geometric progression in annuity


I am working on the following problem that involves annuity which deposits form a geometric progression.

Stan elects to receive his retirement benefit over $20$ years at the rate of $2,000$ per month beginning one month from now. The monthly benefit increases by $5\%$ each year. At a nominal interest rate of $6\%$ convertible monthly, calculate the present value of the retirement benefit.

I understand that when the deposits are forming a geometric progression, the present value at the time of the first deposit will be an annuity-due with the appropriate interest.

So, since the deposits increase with an annual rate of $5\%$, each month the deposits increase by $r\%$ which can be calculated from




Also, since the account adds a nominal interest rate of $6\%$ convertible monthly, the deposit will accumulate $i\%$ each month which can be calculated from



$$1+i = 1.005$$

The present value at the moment of the first deposit is

$$2,000(1+\frac{1+r}{1+i}+(\frac{1+r}{1+i})^2+ \dots + (\frac{1+r}{1+i})^{239})$$

(Note: there are 240 conversions in 20 years)


$$2,000 \frac{1-(\frac{1+r}{1+i})^{-240}}{1-\frac{1+r}{1+i}}$$

Using the present value factor $(1+j)^{-1}=\frac{1+r}{1+i}$ we can see that the above expression is equivalent to

$$2,000 \ddot{a}_{\overline{240}\rceil j}$$

So, according to my calculation the present value at the time of the first deposit $X$ is equal to

$$X=2,000 \ddot{a}_{\overline{240}\rceil j} \approx 430,816.22$$

Since this value is one conversion after the the very first month, I want to say that the answer to this problem must be

$$(1.005)^{-1}X \approx 428,627.86$$

However, the answer in the book is supposedly $419,253$.

I thought that I counted the number of conversions wrong, and I tried it a couple of times but it still did not give me the right answer. Can I have some help?

Thank you.

Best Answer

What I think you are looking for is the present value of a growing annuity.

  1. Your problem says that your nominal interest rate is 6%, you will have to find the effective interest rate:



  1. Then you can find the present value of the annuity:



I still don't get the same answer than your book. However, I didn't try converting everything to a yearly payment. Calculate it rather than on 240 \$2000 payments, on 20 \$x payments.

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