Optimization – Geometric Intuition of Conjugate Function

convex optimizationconvex-analysisoptimization

I am looking for a geometric and intuitive explanation of the conjugate function and how it maps to the below analytical formula.

$$ f^*(y)= \sup_{x \in \operatorname{dom} f } (y^Tx-f(x))$$

Best Answer

To me the best interpretation is economic. Interpret $f(x)$ as the cost to produce the quantity $x$ of some product and interpret $y$ as the market price per unit. It is easy to see that $f^*(y)$ represents the optimal profit at given prices $y$. The quantity $xy$ represents revenue from sales and $f(x)$ represents production costs.

Now for the geometrical interpretation. If you sketch the graph of the costs of production $f(x)$ and assume it convex, continuous, and differentiable, you will see that the point of optimal production, given prices $y$, is given by $y - f'(x)=0$, and this can be found graphically with a ruler, looking for the tangent in the cost curve with the same slope $y$. If you place the ruler in that tangent point, it can be seen that the ruler intersection with the vertical axis will give $-(xy - f(x))$.

This is a very useful calculating device. Provided only with the graph of $f(x)$ and a ruler, the analyst is able to turn the ruler and find what is the optimal profit for each possible price. This can be plotted into another piece of paper. Then given any price $y$ he is able to find what was the optimal profit. Without noticing, he has discovered the conjugate function.

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