[Math] Geometric and Algebraic Multiplicity, zero dimensions

eigenvalues-eigenvectorslinear algebra

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The eigenvalues are $\lambda =0$(because we have multiplication here), $\lambda =1$, and $\lambda =2$ for the given characteristic equation, and as (a) states, that $GM\le AM$. Now, I want to know if my reasoning is correct or not; for$\lambda =1$ the dimensions are $1$ because the power is $1$, for $\lambda =2$ the dimensions are $1, 2,$and $3$ because the power is $3$. But, for $\lambda =0$ I thought the dimensions were $0$, but it turns out they are $1$ and $2$, I understand that it has a power of $2$, but the value is zero and zero will always be zero so is the author wrong or am I wrong? And another question, why can't we have zero dimensions? Am I missing something here?

Best Answer

An eigenspace has dimension greater than zero by definition. "Zero is always zero": Well yes, zero is always zero. So? When $\lambda=0$ in your example the dimension of the eigenspace is $1$ or $2$; that doesn't say zero is not zero, because the eigenvalue is not the dimension of the eigenspace.

Why is the definition that way? The definition of eigenvalue is this: $\lambda$ is an eigenvalue of $A$ if $Ax=\lambda x$ for some $x\ne0$. The condition $x\ne0$ means the eigenspace cannot have dimension zero.

Why is that condition $x\ne0$ there in the definition of eigenvalue? Because if the definition were just "$\lambda$ is an eigenvalue of $A$ if $Ax=\lambda x$ for some $x$", allowing $x=0$, then the notion of "eigenvalue" would be totally useless and dumb, because every number would be an eigenvalue of every matrix.

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