[Math] Genral solution vs Fundamental Solution to ODE. The Difference is


I've been reading intros to ODE and the problem of terminology has overwhelmed me.

As far as I understand:

  1. n-Parameter family of solutions to ODE is a solution in a form $c_1y_1+c_2y_2+…+c_ny_n$
  2. singular solution to ODE is a solution which can't be obtained from (1) (no combination of $\{c_1;c_2;…;c_n\}$ can give you this singular solution).
  3. general solution is:
    a) an n-Parameter family solutions + all singular solutions
    OR b) an n-Parameter family solutions only when there are no singular solutions exist. Which one is right?

  4. fundamental solution…?

  5. fundamental set of solutions as far as I know is a set formed by taking solutions from (1) $\{y_1;y_2;…;y_n\}$

What's the point in talking about "fundamental solution" when we have a general one? if I'm right about (5) Why we don't call it "general set of solutions"? Why invent a new phrase – fundamental set?

Best Answer

"I've been reading intros to ODE and the problem of terminology has overwhelmed me.

As far as I understand: 1.n-Parameter family of solutions to ODE is a solution in a form cy1+ky2" No. That is a "two parameter" solution to a (linear) second order equation. An "n-parameter family" to a (linear) nth order equation would be a linear combination of n "fundamental solutions".

"2.singular solution to ODE is a solution which can't be obtained from (1)"

Yes, but such singular solutions appear only in non-linear equations.'

"3.general solution is a n-Parameter family of solutions when singular solutions are absent." Yes, that follows immediately from the definition of "singular solution". If there are no singular solutions, that is, no solutions that are not of that form, then all solutions are of that form!

"4.fundamental solution...?" A "fundamental solution" to a linear, homogeneous, nth order differential equation (at x= a) is a solution to the equation such that y(a)= 1, y'(a)= 0, ..., $y^{(n-1)}(a)= 0$ or such that y(a)= 0, y'(a)= 1, y''(a)= 0 ..., $y^{(n- 1)}(a)= 0$, etc.

"5.fundamental set of solutions...?" A set of fundamental solutions all the way from "y(a)= 1, y'(a)= 0, ..., $y^{(n-1)}= 0$" to "y(a)= 0, y'(a)= 0, ..., $y^{(n-1)}= 1".

"What's the point in talking about "fundamental solution" when we have a general one?" If we already have a general solution then there would be no point at all. But before we have a "general solution" we must know such a thing [b]exists[/b]. Have you read through the basic "existence and uniqueness theorem" for first order equations? For nth order equations? Those show that the "fundamental solutons" [b]exist[/b] for each of the "initial value problems" above and the fundamental solutions can then be used to construct the "general solution". Do you know what "linear" and "homogeneous" mean here? Do you understand that the "general solution", as given, only exists for linear homogeneous equations? If not, you are going through the book to quickly and should go back and start again.

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