[Math] generic rank


What is meant by generic rank of a matrix? Is it something different from the rank, and does the word generic has just its English meaning?
I came across this term in the book "Algebraic statistics for biology" (ed Lior Pachter and Bernd Sturmfels) theorem 19.5.

Best Answer

I don't have the book, but I'll make a guess: I suspect the matrix in question depends on one or more parameters, and the author means that for "generic" values of those parameters the matrix has a certain rank. In this context "generic" can mean "in a dense $G_\delta$ set". For example, the matrix $$\pmatrix{p & 0\cr 0 & q\cr}$$ has rank $2$ unless $p=0$ or $q=0$, so you might say it has generic rank $2$.