[Math] Generators of the group of invertible elements of the ring $\mathbb{Z}_{14}$—are they multiplicative or additive


When I was asked to find the generators of the group of invertible elements of the ring $\mathbb{Z}_{14}$, which are denoted as $\phi(14)$, I did not realize whether the generators are multiplicative or additive. Which is it?

If both are equally valid, then why did the author omit mention of the type of generators?

Best Answer

For any ring $R$, it is standard to consider the set of units $$R^\times=\{a\in R:\textsf{there exists some }\,b\in R\,\textsf{ with }\,a\cdot b=b\cdot a=1\}$$ as a group under the multiplication operation of $R$. (Here's the relevant Wikipedia page.)

(In fact, if $R$ is not the trivial ring, then $R^\times$ is not closed under the addition operation of $R$, so it certainly will not be a group under that operation.)

You're told to look at the group of units of $R=\mathbb{Z}_{14}$, namely the set $$(\mathbb{Z}_{14})^\times=\{\overline{1},\overline{3},\overline{5},\overline{9},\overline{11},\overline{13}\}$$ under the multiplication operation of $\mathbb{Z}_{14}$, and you are looking for the elements $x\in(\mathbb{Z}_{14})^\times$ that generate the entire group, i.e., the elements with the property that $$(\mathbb{Z}_{14})^\times=\{x^n:n\in\mathbb{Z}\}$$ (Here's the relevant Wikipedia page.)