[Math] Generating function for permutations in $S_n$ with $k$ cycles.


I was reading a little bit about Galois theory, and read that some computer algebra software try to compute Galois groups by finding cycle types.

Anyway, this led me to a curious question. If I fix some $n$, and let $c(n,k)$ by the number of permutations in $S_n$ with $k$ cycles, then what is the generating function
\sum_k c(n,k)x^k?
I browsed around, and I think it's something like
\sum_k c(n,k)x^k=x(x+1)\cdots(x+n-1)
but I don't understand why. Is there a proof of why those expressions are equal? Thanks.

Best Answer

You are looking at permutations of $n$ and each cycle contributes a factor $x$.

Now, when you place the first element, there is only one possibility, it starts a cycle, this gives $x$. When you place the second element, it either starts a new cycle giving $x$ or it is placed in the cycle of the first element, this gives $x+1$ When you place element $k$, it either starts a new cycle giving $x$ or it is placed as image of one of the elements that are already there, this gives $x+k-1$.

So, in total, you get the product on the right-hand side.