[Math] generating function for binary strings that don’t contain $00100$ as a substring

combinatoricsdiscrete mathematics

On an alphabet $\{0, 1\}$, what's the generating function for the set of strings that don't contain $00100$ as a substring?
I've tried writing the set of strings that don't contain $00100$ in terms of concatenations of other sets(here is where i get stuck) and then use the product lemma.
Any hint on how i might write it?

Best Answer

I have found an alternative and amazingly simple pattern for your sequences, that allows to calculate the generation function in a much more simple way.

Consider all blocks that end with $1$. There are two types of such blocks: $A$ which is either $1$ or $01$, and $B$ which is $000^*1$, i.e. at least two zeros followed by $1$ ($^*$ means repeat zero or more times).

Now, every sequence of $0$'s and $1's$ can be constructed as $\{A;B\}^*0^*$. That is we repeat blocks ending in $1$ and add any number of $0$'s at the end. The resulting sequence does not contain $X=00100$ iff two conditions are met: we don't have two consecutive blocks $B$, i.e. $BB$ is forbidden, and if we end the repetitive part with $B$ then the zero-tail cannot contain more than one $0$.



The generating functions (note, that if $Z$ has generating function $z(x)$, then $Z^*$ has generating function $\frac{1}{1-z(x)}$):



And by the product lemma, for $A^*(BAA^*)^*\{B;B0;0^*\}$ we have



Note, that $f(x)=1+2x+4x^2+8x^3+16x^4+31x^5+60x^6+116x^7+225x^8+437x^9+849x^{10}+\ldots$, and, indeed, we should have $n_l$ sequences of length $l$ where $n_l=2^l$ for $l\le 4$, $n_l=2^l-(l-4)2^{l-5}$ for $5\le l\le 7$, $n_l=2^l-(l-4)2^{l-5}+\sum_{k=1}^{l-7}k2^{k-1}$ for $8\le l\le 10$, etc.