[Math] Generating forests from a graph

graph theory

I'm unable to fully understand how a graph could have many forests. I understand that a forest is a graph that has no circuits. So basically what I understood is that we call a graph a forest if it is not connected and it contains no circuits. But then how to generate a forest from a graph?? Do we make a tree for each connected component? If so, do we then call all the generated trees as the forest of the graph OR the forests of the graph?

Best Answer

Graphs usually have many forests as subgraphs. How to make them? Delete some vertices and/or edges: if there's no cycles, it's a forest.

For example, this disconnected graph

enter image description here

has the forests

enter image description here

(which happens to have a spanning tree in each connected component) and

enter image description here

as subgraphs. [In fact, the two subgraphs above happen to be spanning forests (in the sense that the forest and the original graph have the same vertex set). However, it can also be useful to define "spanning forest" to mean having a spanning tree in each connected component.]

It contains non-spanning forests, such as

enter image description here

and it even contains forests without any edges, such as

enter image description here


enter image description here

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