[Math] Generating coordinates for ‘N’ points on the circumference of an ellipse with fixed nearest-neighbor spacing

conic sectionsgeometry

I have an ellipse with semimajor axis $A$ and semiminor axis $B$. I would like to pick $N$ points along the circumference of the ellipse such that the Euclidean distance between any two nearest-neighbor points, $d$, is fixed. How would I generate the coordinates for these points? For what range of $A$ and $B$ is this possible?

As a clarification, all nearest-neighbor pairs should be of fixed distance $d$. If one populates the ellipse by sequentially adding nearest neighbors in, say, a clockwise fashion, the first and last point added should have a final distance $d$.

Best Answer

As long as $d$ is sufficiently small (where "sufficiently small" depends on the eccentricity of the ellipse), you can proceed as follows:

Start at point $P_0$, and set off around the ellipse in steps of (Euclidean) length $d$, leaving point $P_i$ at the $i$th step. When you reach or pass the original point $P_0$, leave a point $P_n$ there, and stop.

If $P_n$ and $P_0$ coincide, we are done, Otherwise, decrease $d$ continuously until they do. Now we have $n$ equally spaced points on the ellipse. And we can repreat this procedure to find $n+1$ equally spaced points, and so on.

There are two things that can go wrong:

  1. This procedure works, but the ellipse is so eccentric that $P_{i-1}$ and $P_{i+1}$ are not the nearest neighbours of $P_i$ (because there is a closer point across the semi-minor axis).
  2. For some $i$, the position of $P_i$ is not a continuous function of $d$. This can happen if $P_{i-1}$ is near the 'sharp end' of the ellipse, and the line $P_{i-1} P_i$ is normal to the ellipse at $P_i$. This can happen if, roughly, the curvature of the ellipse exceeds $\frac{1}{2d}$ at some point.
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