[Math] Generating a subfield with identity element


I know this is a very basic question but I am always unsure what exactly is meant by "generating".

For example, consider the polynomial ring $k[x]$, and the ideal generated by $f(x)$, denoted by $\langle f(x) \rangle = k[x] \cdot f(x)$.

Furthermore, in the context of a group it means taking all integral powers of the generator.

However, I am reading about prime subfields which are defined to be the subfield of a field $F$ $\textbf{generated}$ by the multiplicative identity $1_F$ of $F$. In particular, the prime subfield of $\mathbb{R}$ is $\mathbb{Q}$.

What exactly is meant by the subfield $\textbf{generated}$ by $1_F$ in this context?

Best Answer

"The [thing] generated by [stuff]" just means "The smallest [thing] which contains all the [stuff]."

So the ideal in a commutative ring $R$ generated by an element $a$ is the smallest ideal of that ring containing $a$. It's a theorem that such an ideal exists, and that moreover it's just the set $\{ra: r\in R\}$.

Similarly, the subfield generated by $1_F$ is the smallest subfield of $F$ containing $1_F$.

  • Exercise 1 (easy): The subfield generated by $1_F$ contains $1_F, 1_F+1_F, 1_F+1_F+1_F$, etc., as well as the multiplicative inverses $(1_F+...+1_F)^{-1}$, additive inverses and sums of such, etc.

  • Exercise 2 (harder): That's exactly the subfield generated by $1_F$. More concretely: the subfield generated by $1_F$ is the smallest subset of $F$ which contains $1_F$ and is closed under $+, \times$, and additive and multiplicative inverses (that is: everything you can get by starting with $1_F$ and applying $+, -, \times,$ and $^{-1}$).

HINT for exercise 2: by exercise 1, it's enough to just show that that set is indeed a subfield!