[Math] Generalized graph theory

graph theorysoft-question

This question may be kind of 'out there' but it got me thinking.

In graph theory we have a set of vertices $V$ and a set of edges $E$ which is made up of 2-element subsets of $V$ (either unordered or ordered).

Is there any notion in mathematics that considers a sort-of generalized graph, consisting of vertices $V$ and a set of 'edges' which is made up of, say, 3-element subsets of $V$ — planes, instead of lines in the 2-element case. What about 'graphs' with 'edges' that are $n$-element subsets of $V$?

Does this notion even have any value?

Best Answer

It sounds like you may be interested in hypergraphs which is basically what you are asking about except edges can have any number of vertices associated with them. It turns out though that you can model hypergraphs with bipartite graphs. Say you have a bipartite graph with vertices coloured white and black, then a hypergraph can be associated with that by saying at the white vertices all the edges connected to that make the "hyperedge" and the black vertices would be the vertices of the hypergraph. If you have a hypergraph you can get a bipartite graph by adding the white vertices and splitting up the hyperedges into normal edges.

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