[Math] General formula for the coordinates of points in an isosceles triangle

coordinate systemstrigonometry

I have the following isosceles triangle


If I know the coordinates of points A and B, and the length of the line CC', how can I determine the coordinates of points C and C'? Point A bisects CC'.

(image stolen from Finding coordinates for 3rd point in isosceles right triangle, knowing 2 other points and lengths of sides)

Best Answer

Here is a solution that does not necessitate trigonometry:

Let $r = $ distance AC.

The solution is given by

$$\tag{1}\vec{AC}=r\vec{v} \ \ \ \ \ \iff \ \ \ \ \ C=A+r\vec{v},$$

where $\vec{v}$ is a unit (length 1) vector orthogonal to $\vec{AB}$.

Let $n=\sqrt{(x_B-x_A)^2+(y_B-y_A)^2}$ be the norm of $\vec{AB}$.

Expressing (1) with coordinates (using the fact that vector $\binom{-b}{a}$ is directly orthogonal to $\binom{a}{b}$):


and, in a symmetrical way:
