[Math] Gauss-Newton Method

numerical methods

Can anyone give some guidance with the following question:-

Prove that the Gauss-Newton Method applied to a linear system $Ax=b$ converges in one step to the solution of the normal equations

Best Answer

Let $f$ be a function, in this case $f(x) = A x - b$. Then, with $p_n$ as the $n$-th iterand, this is Newton's method:

$y - f(p_n) = f'(p_n).(x - p_n)\;$ where $\;y = 0\;$ and $\;x = p_{n+1}\;$.

It's easy to see that $f'(x) = A$, so: $$A (p_{n+1} - p_n) = - (A p_n - b) $$ Start with $n=0$. Can you proceed from here?

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