Algebraic Topology – Fundamental Group of Torus Using Van Kampen’s Theorem


So I am currently going through some lecture notes where the fundamental group of a torus is calculated by van Kampen's theorem:

The torus is decomposed into its characteristic fundamental polygon and a circle $o$ inside. Clearly, this circle has $\pi_1(o)=0$ and the intersection between the polygon and the circle is the circle.

So by van Kampen's theorem: The fundamental group of my torus is given by $\pi_1(T^2)= \frac{\pi_1(char.poly)}{N(Im \ (i))}$, where $i: \pi_1(o\cap \ char.poly)=0 \rightarrow \pi_1(char.poly)$ is the homomorphism corresponding to the characteristic embedding and $N(Im(i))$ is the normal subgroup induced by the image of this embedding(as a subgroup of $\pi_1(char.poly)$.

Now, there are two things I don't understand: It is claimed that $\pi_1(char.poly)= \pi_1(S^1 \vee S^1)$( I don't see the relationship between this fundamental polygon and 'an eight') and I don't know how to calculate this normal subgroup there. Is there anybody able to help me a little bit?

Best Answer

Perhaps we're thinking of different notions of "fundamental polygons", but I believe the torus $T^2$ is the fundamental polygon $P$ (obtained as the quotient of a square). The two spaces are certainly homeomorphic, if not the same by definition. Thus $\pi_1(T^2)\cong\pi_1(P)$. We'll decompose and apply van Kampen's theorem to $P$. For convenience, we'll call the horizontal edges $A$ and the vertical edges $B$.

We'll decompose $P$ in almost the same way you suggested: fix a point $x_0$ in the middle of $P$, and let $U$ be $P \setminus \{x_0\}$ and $V$ be a small open disk around $x_0$. Then $\pi_1(T^2) \cong \pi_1(P)\cong\big( \pi_1(U) * \pi_1(V)\big)/N$, where $N$ is the subgroup generated by those "words" in $\pi_1(U) * \pi_1(V)$ that represent loops that are actually nullhomotopic (that is, can be shrunk down to points). In particular, think about the "boundary" word $A^{-1}B^{-1}AB$. It is nontrivial in $U$, but we know that it can actually be shrunk down to a point when it lives in $P$.

The image below depicts a deformation of $U$ to the figure eight $S^1 \vee S^1$. What does this imply for $\pi_1(U)$? I'm also happy to provide more hints.

Deforming a punctured torus into a wedge of two circles