[Math] Fundamental group of the wedge sum of two spaces


Let $X,Y$ be two path-connected topological spaces and $\langle A\mid R\rangle,\langle B\mid S\rangle$ respectively presentations for their fundamental groups.
I think that a presentation for the fundamental group of the wedge sum $X\vee_{x_{0}} Y$ is $\langle A\sqcup B\mid R,S\rangle$.

All one should prove is that if $f$ is a loop in $X$ and $g$ a loop in $Y$ (both with base-point $x_{0}$) such that $f\cdot g\simeq g\cdot f$ in $X\sqcup Y$, then at least one of the two loops is homotopic to $x_{0}$ in his own space.
How can I prove this?

I'd tried taking a homotopy $H$ between $f\cdot g$ and $g\cdot f$, and analize the possible preimages by $H$ of $x_{0}$. I saw that these preimages must contain curves of this form or similar:

enter image description here

and this could give the needed homotopy.

I'm not sure that this reasoning is right and how to complete. Can anyone help me please?
Thank you very much.

Best Answer

The question is whether $\pi_1 : \mathsf{Top}_* \to \mathsf{Grp}$ preserves coproducts. When $x_0$ has a connected weakly contractible open neighborhood in both spaces which are connected, then it is true by the Seifert van Kampen theorem. In general it is wrong, take $X=Y=$ Hawaiian earring.