Algebraic Topology – Fundamental Group of Complement of $n$ Lines Through Origin in $\mathbb{R}^3$


Just a quick question to verify whether I'm right.

Claim: The fundamental group of the complement of $n$ lines through the origin in $\mathbb{R}^3$ is $F_n$, the free group on $n$ generators.

Proof: remove a line from $\mathbb{R}^3$. We may deformation retract the remaining space onto a cylinder radius $\epsilon$ about the line, and thence to a circle $S^1$. There is no trouble repeating this process with a second distinct line, except that then we will be a wedge union $S^1 \vee S^1$. Continue inductively, and recall that the wedge union of $n$ circles has the stated fundamental group.

I'm only just starting to really get my head around this stuff, so any feedback would be really useful!


Best Answer

There is a deformation retraction of ($\mathbb{R}^3$ minus $n$ lines through the origin) to (the unit sphere with $2n$ points removed). The $2n$ points are the intersections of the lines with the sphere, the deformation retraction is along the rays from the origin.

As a result, the fundamental group is actually $F_{2n-1}$, not $F_n$.