Algebraic Topology – Fundamental Group of a Torus with Points Removed


Question 5.33 from "Topology and its Applications" by Baesner is to compute the fundamental group of the torus ($T^2$) with $n$ points removed. I can "see" in my mind that if we remove one point we get a bouquet of two circles. Less clear is what happens when we remove two (or more) points. Any hints?

Best Answer

It's a bouquet of $n+1$ circles, so the free group on $n+1$ generators. Think of a rectangle with $n-1$ horizontal lines across it. Roll it up into a tube, so you have a line segment with $n+1$ circles attached to it. Then identify the top and bottom circles. So you have a circle with $n$ circles attached to it which is homotopic to a bouquet of $n+1$ circles.

enter image description here