[Math] Functional derivative of function with respect to its derivative


If $u: \mathbb{R}^m \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ then what is the following solution to:
\dfrac{\partial u}{\partial \nabla u} = \hspace{2mm} ?

Where $\dfrac{\partial u}{\partial \nabla u}$ is the derivative of a scalar with respect to a vector.


The first version of the question did not really make much sense. I guess what I meant to say was, what is
\dfrac{df}{df'} = \hspace{5mm} ?
in an attempt to solve the next problem.
I have since updated the question to fit the definitions.

Best Answer

Fix $x$ and let $\gamma(x)$ be some path from $0$ to $x$. Then $f(x) = \int_{\gamma(x)} \nabla f \cdot dr.$ The functional derivative of this w.r.t. $\nabla f$ is defined as the linear functional (often a distribution) $\delta u$ given by $$\langle u, \phi \rangle = \left. \frac{d}{d\lambda} \int_{\gamma(x)} \nabla (f+\lambda\phi) \cdot dr \right|_{\lambda=0}$$ Now, the right hand side equals $$\left. \int_{\gamma(x)} \frac{\partial}{\partial\lambda} \nabla (f+\lambda\phi) \cdot dr \right|_{\lambda=0} = \left. \int_{\gamma(x)} \nabla \phi \cdot dr \right|_{\lambda=0} = \int_{\gamma(x)} \nabla \phi \cdot dr $$ Thus, $$\langle u, \phi \rangle = \int_{\gamma(x)} \nabla \phi \cdot dr = \phi(x) - \phi(0) = \langle \delta(t-x) - \delta(t), \phi(t) \rangle$$ so the functional derivative is $$\frac{\partial f(x)}{\partial \nabla f(t)} = \delta(t-x) - \delta(t)$$ Luckily this result doesn't depend on the choice of $\gamma(x).$

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