[Math] Functional analysis textbook (or course) with complete solutions to exercises


I am a Ph.D. student in economics and I plan to study functional analysis by myself either this winter or the next summer. I am currently looking for a textbook, and since I am studying it by myself, I would like the textbook to have complete solutions to all or at least many (say, all odd numbered) problems. I have taken a graduate real variables sequence, but have never studied functional analysis before. So preferably, this doesn't have to be a very advanced text.

Is there any suggestions? Actually it doesn't have to be a book; well written online notes or course websites with complete solutions to exercise/homework problems would be great as well.

Of course I will attempt the problems by my own effort first, but since I won't have anyone to discuss with, I hope that I can have some last resort whenever I cannot figure out a problem.

Thank you very much!

Best Answer

Erwin Kreyszig, Introductory Functional Analysis with Applications

  1. This book has solutions to all odd numbered questions at the back, so you can attempt to work on the problems first, and look at the solutions only when you have to. (This is better than having hints following the problem statements immediately so as to distract you from first concentrating on solving the problems by yourself.)
  2. The exercise problems are attached to each section, as opposed to putting a chapter's worth of problems only at the very end of a chapter. Therefore one could work on the exercises right after finish reading a section, when the memory is still fresh; and the problem solving is broken down into pieces so as not to overtire yourself.
  3. This is a rather elementary book on functional analysis, with minimal prerequisites.

Over all, a great book well suited for my needs.

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