[Math] Function which is onto and not 1-1

discrete mathematicsfunctions

Here is an example of a function which I believe to be onto and not 1-1:

$f: \mathbb{N} \to \mathbb{N}$

$f(n) = \begin{cases}
0 &\text{if} \quad n=0\\
0 &\text{if} \quad n=1\\
n-1 &\text{otherwise}\\

It is not 1-1 because f(0) and f(1) both map to 0. It is onto because for every $y$ in the codomain, there is a value $x$ in the domain for which $y=f(x)$.

Fine. But this is causing me mental dissonance because I don't understand how you can say that all codomain values are mapped given the following: In programming, $y=f(x)$ doesn't take on a value until $f$ is called.

Even then the largest values in the codomain won't be mapped until some call to $f(x)$ yields their value.

There are other places in studying math where the lack of instantiation of values doesn't seem to invalidate the definition of concepts, and I think it will help me to move forward as a student if someone can explain to me what is going on here, and why I shouldn't worry about the fact that the definition seems to assume that all functions are always simultaneously instantiated, allowing mathematicians to make claims about their values.

Best Answer

You are confusing your act of finding out the value of the function at a particular element of the domain with the function. That would be like thinking that a person does not have a telephone number until you look them up in the telephone directory and dial. Whether or not you look them up in the telephone directory does not determine whether or not they have a phone number.

In mathematics, a function $f\colon X\to Y$ is a subset of $X\times Y$ such that

  1. For all $x\in X$ there exists $y\in Y$ such that $(x,y)\in f$; and
  2. If $x\in X$, $y,y'\in Y$ and $(x,y),(x,y')\in f$, then $y=y'$.

When this happens, we write $f(x)=y$ to signify that $(x,y)\in f$; this is unambiguous by $2$.

Now consider what happens if we "dualize" the two parts of the definition:

  1. For all $y\in Y$ there exists $x\in X$ such that $(x,y)\in f$;
  2. If $y\in Y$, $x,x'\in X$ and $(x,y),(x',y)\in f$, then $x=x'$.

A function that satisfies the first property is said to be "onto" or "surjective." (Note that you have the definition wrong; you are using the first property that defines a function to be a function instead of this extra condition). A function that satisfies the second property is said to be "one-to-one" or "injective.

Your function, viewed as a function $f\colon \mathbb{N}\to\mathbb{N}$ is the set $$\{(0,0), (1,0)\}\cup\{ (n+1,n)\mid n=1,2,3,4,\ldots\}.$$ As such, you are absolutely correct that the function is onto (though not for the reason you state: it's onto because for every $n\in\mathbb{N}$, the codomain, there exists $x\in\mathbb{N}$, the domain, with $f(x)=n$: if $n=0$, we can take $x=0$; if $n\gt 0$, we can take $x=n+1$), and is not one-to-one (because $f(0)=f(1)$, even though $0\neq 1$).

Now, $f$ is just a set. It is. It is not a procedure, it is not a process, it is not the act of you evaluating the function. It's a set. Its functional properties depend only on its properties as a set, and not on what we do with it. We don't "call" a functionn

(What "causes [you] mental dissonance" would likewise cause you mental dissonance when you consider the one-to-one and onto function $f\colon \mathbb{R}\to\mathbb{R}$ given by $f(x)=x$...)

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