[Math] Function integrable over the interior but not over the set


Let $S$ be a bounded set in $\mathbb{R}^n$; let $f:S\rightarrow\mathbb{R}$ be a bounded continuous function; let $A$ be the interior of $S$. Give an example where $\int_Af$ exists and $\int_Sf$ does not.

There's a theorem that says if $\int_Sf$ does not exist, then for a set $E$ of measure nonzero of points $x_0$ on the boundary of $S$, the condition $\lim_{x\rightarrow x_0}f(x)=0$ fails to hold.

So we must select $S$ at least to meet that condition. In particular, the boundary must have measure nonzero. But whenever we pick a connected region in the plane, for example, the boundary has measure zero. So I'm not sure which set $S$ to pick here.

Best Answer

But whenever we pick a connected region in the plane, for example, the boundary has measure zero.

That is not true, only you can't visualise sets where it isn't the case well, these beasts are very complicated.

Let $C \subset [0,1]$ a fat Cantor set, and $U = [0,1]\setminus C$. Then $A = U\times[0,1] \cup [0,1]\times U$ is connected and its boundary $C\times C$ has positive measure. Take any non-measurable subset $N$ of $C\times C$, and let $S = A \cup N$. Let $f \equiv 1$.

then $\int_A f$ exists ($A$ is open, and hence measurable, it is contained in $[0,1]^2$ so has finite measure), but $\int_S f$ does not exist because $S$ is not measurable.

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