[Math] Fun but appropriate Christmas gift to give influential professors.


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A friend and I have been meeting informally with a retired professor to do math on a weekly basis for several semesters now. He is a dear mentor to both of us. We would like to get him a Christmas present, but he is a very private person and rarely discusses his home life, so we know almost nothing about him outside of his mathematical interests. We could get him a book, but chances are good that he would already have it. (His library is enormous, and he's always bringing in obscure texts.)

Some possibilities:

  • A copy of The Emperor's Club? This is a movie about a teacher and his influence on his students. I'm worried that might be a bit cheesy or inappropriate.
  • Something mathematical, but more "popular" that he is less likely to have, like a film or a mathematics-strewn crime novel. (No textbooks!)
  • A pie with a $\pi$ carved in the crust.

We're really stumped.

Best Answer

If I might make a suggestion.

I don't know the man, but the heartfelt words you expressed above say it all. If it were me, I would love to hear that from someone I've helped.

Perhaps finding a wonderful inspirational quote and then personalizing that with both your heartfelt sentiments would be worth gold to someone as they feel like they continue to pass on their good deeds!

I would even go as far as making it an inscription on a plaque of some sort. I would cherish such as thing forever and would display in a place of honor if I received that.

Both of you young people give us all hope!

"What you have been obliged to discover by yourself leaves a path in your mind which you can use again when the need arises." - G. C. Lichtenberg

Regards -A