[Math] Fubini’s Theorem for Stochastic Integral

brownian motionstochastic-calculusstochastic-integralsstochastic-processes

Probably a bit trivial, but I was curious about the validity of interchanging the following integrals (where $W_t$ is Brownian Motion):

$\mathbb{E}[\int^{t}_{0} W^2_s ds] =? \int^{t}_{0} \mathbb{E}[W^2_s] ds$

In context, we know that $\mathbb{E}[\int^{t}_{0} W_s dW_s]^2 = \mathbb{E}[\int^{t}_{0} W^2_s ds]$

I just wanted to verify that its valid to make the jump that the above is equal to $\int^{t}_{0} s ds = \frac{1}{2}s^2$, since $\mathbb{E}[W^2_s] = s$ with Brownian Motion.

Best Answer

Fubini's theorem on $[0,t]\times\Omega$ gives $$\mathbb{E}\left[\int^{t}_{0} W^2_s\, ds\right] =\int_\Omega \int^t_0 W_s^2(\omega)\,ds\,\mathbb{P}(d\omega) =\int^t_0\int_\Omega W_s^2(\omega)\,\mathbb{P}(d\omega)\,ds = \int^{t}_{0} \mathbb{E}[W^2_s]\, ds.$$