[Math] From reflection plane to “reflection” matrix

linear algebramatricesorthogonalityreflection

How do I determine the "reflection" matrix, relative to the canonical basis, of a reflection on the plane $ \{x+y+z = 0\}$ in $\mathbb{R}^3$ ?

I figured I should take the two eigenvectors which should be $n =(-1, 1, 0)$ and $v= (-1, 0, 1)$.
Take one of the two and compute the Matrix with this: $M = I-2n^Tn$, but it's not working.

Best Answer

If $\bf n$ is a unit normal to the plane (as a column vector), the reflection across that plane is $I - 2 {\bf n} {\bf n}^T$.

EDIT: In your case $${\bf n} = \pmatrix{1/\sqrt{3}\cr 1/\sqrt{3}\cr 1/\sqrt{3}\cr}$$