[Math] From a group of $10$ boys and $5$ girls, a committee of $6$ students containing at least $2$ girls in chosen at random.


From a group of $10$ boys and $5$ girls, a committee of $6$ students chosen at random. How many $6$ person committee containing at least $2$ girls possible?

This is my answer: They ask at least $2$ girls. so, $(^5C_2 \cdot $ $^{10}C_4)$ $ + (^5C_3 \cdot $ $^{10}C_3)$ $+ (^5C_4\cdot$ $^{10}C_2)$ $+ (^5C_5 \cdot $ $^{10}C_1) = 3535$

is the answer correct? if wrong mean teach me the way to solve this question.

Best Answer

The answer you got is correct and so is the method.

If you want another method, you can take all the cases $^{15}C_6$ and subtract from them the cases where $0$ girls are chosen $^5C_0 \cdot$ $^{10}C_6$ and where $1$ girl is chosen $^5C_1 \cdot ^{10}C_5$ which also gives $3535$ as the answer.