[Math] Fourier transform of a product of two rect functions

convolutionfourier analysis

I am trying to evaluate the following expression
which denotes the 2-dimensional Fourier transform (reciprocal variables $k_x$, $k_y$) of a product of two rectangular functions defined by
$$\mathrm{rect}_{L_{x}}(x)=\begin{cases}1, & -L_x<x<L_x \\ 0, & \text{otherwise}\end{cases}$$

This is what I tried so far ("*" denotes convolution):
= \mathcal{F}\{\mathrm{rect}_{L_{x}}(x)\}*\mathcal{F}\{\mathrm{rect}_{L_{y}}(y)\}\\
Now both these integrals are Dirichlet integrals and evaluate to ${\pi \over L_x}$ and ${\pi \over L_y}$ respectively which yields total result of $1$.

I suspect there's a mistake somewhere, since this is not the result I am expecting to see. Moreover when I try to do the calculation in Mathematica

FourierTransform[UnitBox[x] UnitBox[y], {x, y}, {a, b}]

I get
$${\mathrm{sinc}(a/2)\mathrm{sinc}(b/2)\over 2\pi}$$
which makes much more sense for the bigger problem I am solving.

Where am I wrong?

Best Answer

The two dimensional Fourier Transform of a function $f(x,y)$ is


For $f(x,y)=\text{rect}_{L_x}(x)\text{rect}_{L_y}(y)$, the Fourier Transform is


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