[Math] Formula to calculate fastest minute of a horse race


I though of a problem (which is more of a fun to do than anything else), that it's the following:

Is it possible to find a formula (or something similar) that calculates the fastest minute of a horse in a race?

For example, let's take the example of an English Pure Breed.

If we have the horse weight (500kg), average speed (65km/h), and the distance that it ran (400m), can we know the minute it ran faster? If not the minute, a period of time that it went faster, or even the fastest meter or 10 meters?

I know the formula for average speed, but i don't know how that can help with this problem.

I thought of this because when i run with Endomondo app, if i run 10 km, it will give me the average speed for each km, so i know when i went faster and slower, can we produce a formula based on weight, average speed and distance covered?

I'm sorry if this is not the appropriate place to put this question, if not, please advise where should i put it.

Best Answer


With just the averaged and total values, you can not say anything about shorter timeframes. Your app tracks much more than start time and end time and thus can reconstruct a function $s(t)$ describing your path. That function can be differentiated to get values for maximum speeds, etc.

Consider this: The horse could've run at an exactly uniform speed, changed direction or stood still then teleported and you'd have gotten the same average and total values.

BTW: At 65km/h, the 400m are covered in less than half a minute, so technically, you already know the minute it ran the fastest.

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