[Math] formula of coefficients of Newton-Cotes Method in numerical intergation

numerical methods

We know the coefficients of Newton-Cotes method in numerical integration are:

2-points $ 0.5$ , $0.5$

3-points $ 1/6$, $2/3$, $ 1/6$

4-points $1/8$, $3/8$, $3/8$, $1/8$

and so on

I ask if there is a formula of all coefficients in this method.

Best Answer

Maybe read: http://people.clas.ufl.edu/kees/files/NewtonCotes.pdf

It presents a method easily convertible to MATLAB that can be used to generate the coefficients:

function q = NewtonCotesCoefficients(degree)

  q = 0:degree;
  m = fliplr(vander(q));
  for ii = 0: degree
    b(ii + 1) = degree^(ii + 1)/(ii + 1);
  q = m'\b';
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