[Math] Formal Proof of Counting Sort and Bucket Sort Algorithms


I'm new to this forum so please be patient.

I'm studying two sort algorithms: counting sort and bucket sort.

In numerous books I found examples, as a 'proof' that these algorithms work, but those test
use a specific set of values.

So I want to know how can I do a formal mathematical proof of the working of the mentioned algorithms.

Any clue will help, I don't know exactly where to start(of course if you can provide a method would be better)

Thanks in advance

Best Answer

In general, without making any reference to the two particular algorithms mentioned, there are (at least) two ways of proving the correctness of a sorting algorithm:

  • Proof by induction: assume that the algorithm can correctly sort $n$ items, and show that it can then also sort $n+1$ (or $2n$ or any other number greater than $n$) items. This works particularly well for recursive sorting algorithms like quicksort or merge sort.

  • Proof by termination analysis: show that the algorithm must terminate, and that it can only terminate when the data is correctly sorted. One way to show that the algorithm must terminate is to find a property (such as the number of inversions) which is bounded from below and can be shown to decrease by at least one during each iteration of the algorithm.

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