[Math] Form of most general transformation of the upper half plane to the unit disk.


In David Blair's book on Inversion Theory, he write that the transformation
is the most general transformation mapping the upper half plane to the unit circle, provided $z_0$ is in the upper half plane. If $z_0$ is in the lower half plane, then the upper half plane is mapped to the exterior of the circle. Why does the location of $z_0$ affect the map this way?

Best Answer

The points in the unit circle satisfy $|z|<1$. Thus when $z_0$ is in the upper half plane, points in the upper half plane will be closer to $z_0$ than to $\bar{z_0}$, that is $|z-z_0|<|z-\bar{z_0}|$. This means that the fraction in $T(z)$ is less than $1$ precisely when $z$ is in the upper half plane. (The $e^{i\theta}$ factor has magnitude one and thus is only a rotation.)