Optimization – Forbidden Range for a Linear Programming Variable

linear programmingnonlinear optimizationoptimizationsimplextwo-phase-simplex

I would like to express a linear program having a variable that can only be greater or equal than a constant $c$ or equal to $0$. The range $]0; c[$ being unallowed.

Do you know a way to express this constraint in a linear program, in a way that it can be solved using an unmodified simplex implementation ?

For example this constraint :
$x_1 \geq 4$ or $x_1 = 0$.

Typical relation between all constraints in a linear program is AND.
Here this is an OR between two constraints.

Note : I need to solve problems having multiple variables like this in a computationally efficient way


Best Answer

Here's the bad news: you can't do this with a straight-up linear program.

Here's the good news: you can do this with an integer linear program.

Introduce an additional binary decision variable $z$. Let $z=0$ whenever $x=0$ and $z=1$ whenever $x\ge 4$. Furthermore, pick an arbitrarily large number, call it $M$, such that $M$ can not bound your $x$ variable too soon(e.g. if your problem data is on the order of $10^2$, pick $M=10^5$ or something). Now add the following constraints to your problem:

$$ x \ge 4z \\ x \le Mz $$

If $z=0$, the constraints force $x=0$. If $z=1$ the constraints force $x \ge 4$ (since $M$ is large enough by definition).

In general, the modeling issue is capturing a situation like this: $$x = 0 \lor x\in[a,b], \quad0<a<b<\infty$$ $x$ is called a semicontinuous variable, and the trick that I've shown you above extends naturally to the following pair of constraints: $$ x \ge az \\ x \le bz $$

Unless you are coding the algorithm yourself, be aware that most commercial solver packages can handle semicontinuous variables internally (by doing the constraint modeling internally and branching on $z$). Read the appropriate documentation for the syntax.