[Math] $\forall \epsilon>0, \exists \delta>0 / |x-a|<\epsilon\implies |f(x)-L|<\delta$


I'm asked to analyze what happens when I have $\delta$ exchanged with $\epsilon$ in the limit definition like this:

$\forall \epsilon>0, \exists \delta>0 / |x-a|<\epsilon\implies |f(x)-L|<\delta$

I need to show that $f$ matches this condition $\iff$ it's bounded in any bounded interval of center $a$. In affirmative case, $L$ is real.

The limit definition is already difficult to me, now I can't understand this one.

Any ideas on how to prove it?

Best Answer

We first prove the forward ($\Rightarrow$) direction.Suppose $f$ meets your definition. Fix an $\epsilon>0$. Then for any interval of length $\epsilon$ centered at $a$ i.e. $(a-\epsilon, a+\epsilon)$ you know that $|f(x) - L|<\delta$ where $\delta$ is some fixed positive number now that we have chosen an epsilon.

Now note that for $x\in(a-\epsilon, a+\epsilon)$ $$|f(x)| = |f(x)+L-L|\leq |f(x)-L|+|L|\leq \delta +L$$

Conversely, let $\epsilon$ be given. Now $(a-\epsilon, a+\epsilon)$ is a bounded interval centered at $a$. So by hypothesis, $f$ is bounded on this interval. This means that $\exists \delta>0$ such that $|f(x)|<\delta$. Since $L$ is any real number, we can let $L = 0$ so this is just the same thing as $|f(x)-L| <\delta$.

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