[Math] Folding a rectangular paper and finding the area of the triangle so formed.


Given a rectangular sheet of paper ABCD such that the lengths of AB and AD are respectively 7 and 3 cms.Suppose B' and D' are two points on AB and AD respectively such that if the paper is folded along B'D' then A falls on A' on the side DC. Determine the maximum possible area of the triangle AB'D'.

I discovered quite a few basic facts that everybody can, but cannot actually make any progress. Please help.

Best Answer

My suggestion is to compute AD' and AB' as a function of AD and $\alpha$. $\Delta AOD' \sim \Delta ADA' \to AD' \times AD = AO\times AA'$

and note that $AA' = \frac{AD}{\cos \alpha}$ and $AO = \frac{1}{2}AA'$

$\therefore AD' = \frac{AA'^2}{2AD}=\frac{AD}{2\cos^2 \alpha}$

$AB' = \frac{AD'}{\tan \alpha} = \frac{AD}{2\cos^2 \alpha} \times \frac{\cos \alpha}{\sin \alpha}=\frac{AD}{\sin 2\alpha}$

$S_{AB'D'} = \frac{1}{2}AB' \times AD' = \frac{AD^2}{2\cos \alpha \sin 2\alpha}$

Since AD is constant, maximizing $S_{AB'D'}$ is to maximize the expression of $\alpha$. You can find the bound of $\alpha$ by moving (1) D' to D and (2) B' to B combining with the assumption 3:7 given. Then, the min or max could be easily obtained.

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