Probability – Flip a Fair Coin Until Three Consecutive Heads or Tails Appear


What is the expected number of flips until three consecutive heads or tails appear?

Best Answer

This can be seen as an MC with 4 states. Denote for convenience $S=\{HHH, TTT\}$

One thing to notice first, is that only before you have tossed any coins at all you need 3 matching tosses till $S$. After that, regardless of the outcome, you have no more than two matching tosses from $S$. Hence we have the following MC:

$S_0$: 3 matching tosses till $S$

$S_1$: 2 matching tosses till $S$

$S_2$: 1 matching tosses till $S$

$S_3$: 0 matching tosses till $S$

Denoting $m_{i,j}$ the mean hitting time of state $j$ starting in state $i$, we obtain the following set of recurrent equations: $$ m_{0,3}=1+m_{1,3}\\ m_{1,3}=1+0.5 m_{1,3} +0.5m_{2,3}\\ m_{2,3}=1+0.5 m_{1,3} +0.5m_{3,3} $$ And the boundary condition is of course $m_{3,3}=0$. Solving this set of equations we get $$ m_{0,3}=1+6=7 $$

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