[Math] Fitting a Circle Arc to a Parabola


Reading this paper for a project. In section 2.1 it says an approximate formula for the smooth curve described by the edge of the ski
is y ≈ $x^2/2R_{SC} − d$. Why is the $x^2$ value divided by $2R_{SC}$? I get that they are trying to fit a parabola to a circle of radius $R_{SC}$ and chord length $C$, but I don't understand what geometry they did to divide by $2R_{SC}$. Thanks for any help.

Best Answer

Write the equation of the circle as $x^2 + (y - (R - d))^2 = R^2$. Divide through by $R^2$ and rewrite everything in terms of the dimensionless quantities $\xi = x/R$, $\eta = y/R$, and $\epsilon = d/R$.

Consider $\eta$ and $\epsilon$ to be small quantities. Expand everything out and drop all second-order terms (like $\epsilon^2$, $\eta\epsilon$, etc.). You should get $y = {x^2\over 2R} - d$.

To spell it out: divide through by $R^2$ in $x^2 + (y - (R - d))^2 = R^2$ to get $$\left({x\over R}\right)^2 + \left({y\over R} - \left(1 - {d\over R}\right)\right)^2 = 1\,.$$ Define the variables I mentioned above: $$\xi^2 + (\eta - (1-\epsilon))^2 = 1\,.$$ Expand everything out: $$\xi^2 + \eta^2 - 2\eta + 2\eta\epsilon + 1 - 2\epsilon + \epsilon^2 = 1\,.$$ Drop $\eta^2$, $\eta\epsilon$, and $\epsilon^2$: $$\xi^2 - 2\eta - 2\epsilon = 0\,.$$ Rearrange as $$\eta = {\xi^2\over 2} - \epsilon\,.$$ Multiply through by $R$ to get $y = {x^2\over 2R} - d$.