Exponential Function – How to Fit Exponential with Constant

exponential functionregression

I have data whic would fit to an exponential function with a constant.

$$y=a\cdot\exp(b\cdot t) + c.$$

Now I can solve an exponential without a constant using least square by taking log of y and making the whole equation linear. Is it possible to use least square to solve it with a constant too ( i can't seem to convert the above to linear form, maybe i am missing something here) or do I have to use a non linear fitting function like nlm in R ?

Best Answer

A direct method of fitting (no guessed initial values required, no iterative process) is shown below. For the theory, see the paper (pp.16-17) : https://fr.scribd.com/doc/14674814/Regressions-et-equations-integrales

enter image description here

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