[Math] First examples in Galois theory


I'm studying Field Theory and after studying theorems and problems about extensions, splitting fields, etc… I'm starting with the first theorems of the Galois Theory itself. In order to see if I understand such theorems, I'm trying to prove the first examples in Galois Theory such that the

Galois group of $x^3-2\in \mathbb Q[x]$ is the group of symmetries of the triangle.

I know that the roots of the equation of $x^3-2=0$ are $2^{1/3},2^{1/3}w,2^{1/3}w^{2}$, where $w$ is a root of the irreducible polynomial $x^2+x+1$ over $\mathbb Q(2^{1/3})$. Thus we write $x^3-2=(x-2^{1/3})(x-2^{1/3}w)(x-2^{1/3}w^{2})$, whence $E=\mathbb Q(2^{1/3},w)$. It follows that $[E:\mathbb Q]=6$. Since E is a splitting field and therefore normal we have also $G(E/\mathbb Q)=6$, then we have six automorphisms of $E$.

I'm stuck here, I can't go further, I need help please.

Thanks a lot.

Best Answer

Since you know that $|G(E/\mathbb Q)|=6$ and since the Galois group permutes the roots, of which there are three, it follows that the Galois group is some group with 6 elements that can be identified with a subgroup of $S_3$. That narrows it down to precisely $S_3$ (up to isomorphism).