Differential Geometry – First Cohomology Group


Is it true that the first cohomology group of a differentiable manifold with finite fundamental group is trivial? If so, could you explain why? Thanks very much

Best Answer

It depends on what you mean by "cohomology group". If you mean singular cohomology with integer coefficients, note that for homology with integer coefficients there is an isomorphism $H_1(X;\Bbb Z) \cong \pi_1^{ab}(X) = \pi_1(X)/[\pi_1(X),\pi_1(X)]$. In particular, if $\pi_1$ is abelian, $H_1(X;\Bbb Z) \cong \pi_1(X)$. Now the universal coefficient theorem provides an isomorphism $H^1(X;\Bbb Z) \cong \text{Hom}(H_1(X;\Bbb Z),\Bbb Z) = \text{Hom}(\pi_1(X),\Bbb Z)$ (the last equality because $\Bbb Z$ is abelian). The Ext term vanishes because $H_0$ is always free. Because $H_1(X;\Bbb Z)$ (or $\pi_1$, if you like) is finite, all homomorphisms to the integers are trivial, so $H^1(X;\Bbb Z) = 0$.

You might also mean the de Rham cohomology of $X$. The de Rham theorem says that $H_{dR}^1(X) \cong H^1(X;\Bbb R)$, the singular cohomology of $X$ with coefficients in $\Bbb R$; the universal coefficient theorem, then, implies that this is isomorphic to $\text{Hom}(H_1(X;\Bbb Z),\Bbb R).$ The same argument as before shows that this is trivial.

There is also a more direct argument showing that $H_{dR}^1(X)$ is trivial; pick a closed 1-form $\omega$ on $X$. Let $\tilde X$ be the universal cover of $X$, and $f: \tilde X \to X$ the universal covering map. Then $\tilde \omega := f^*\omega$ is closed, and necessarily exact Suppose $h: \tilde X \to \Bbb R$ has $d\tilde h = \tilde \omega$. Recall that $G:=\text{Deck}(\tilde X,X) \cong \pi_1(X)$; consider $$h'(x) = \frac{1}{|G|}\sum_{g \in G} \tilde h(g(x)).$$ Now show that $h'$ descends to a real-valued function $h$ on $X$ with $dh = \omega$.

(An identical argument actually shows, more generally, that if $f: X \to Y$ is a finite covering of smooth manifolds, the induced map on cohomology $H_{dR}^*(Y) \to H_{dR}^*(X)$ is an injection. This is far from true for singular cohomology with integer coefficients!)

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