Finite Additivity in Outer Measure – Measure Theory


Let $\{E_i\}_{i=1}^n$ be finitely many disjoint sets of real numbers (not necessarily Lebesgue measurable) and $E$ be the union of all these sets. Is it always true that
m^\star (E)=\sum_{i=1}^N m^\star(E_n)
where $m^\star$ denotes the Lebesgue outer measure? If not, please give a counterexample. The Vitali set is a counterexample in the countable case, but I am not sure whether it is false in finite case.

Best Answer

In general what you ask cannot be true: indeed, we know that outer measure is not $\sigma$-additive but it is $\sigma$-subadditive. If it were finitely additive, it would be $\sigma$-additive.

Nevertheless, if you ask that the sets have positive distance then the answer becomes affirmative.

More precisely, if $E_1, E_2 \subset \mathbb R^n$ are such that ${\rm dist} (E_1, E_2)>0$ then $m^\star(E_1 \cup E_2) = m^\star (E_1) + m^\star(E_2)$.

This is indeed one way to show that the Lebesgue measure is a Borel measure (thanks to Caratheodory criterion).