[Math] Finding unknowns from HCF and LCM


The Highest common factor and Lowest common multiple of two numbers $A$ and $B$ are $12$ and $168$ respectively . Find the possible values of $A$ and $B$ with exception of $12$ and $168$.

Workings –

HCF $(A,B) = 12 = 2^2 \times 3$

LCM $(A,B) = 168 = 2^3 \times 3 \times 7$

$A \times B$ = LCM $\times$ HCF = $12 \times 168$

$A \times B = (2^3 \times 3) \times (2^3 \times 3 \times 7)$

I'm stuck from here onwards on how to find the possible values. Thanks for any help.

Best Answer

(1) $12$ has to be part of both numbers - since it is the GCD.

(2) In order to get the LCM as $168$ we got to distribute the remaining $14$ among these two numbers, being careful that the distribution has no common factors.

(3) The factors of $14$ are $1,2,7,14$. So we take the first number as $12.1$, $12.2$, $12.7$, $12.14$ and the second number as $12.14$,$12.7$,$12.2$ and $12.1$ respectively

(4) Given that we exclude the extremities, we have only one value up to symmetry.

Finally, we have $\color{blue}{(A,B) \in \{(24,84), (84,24)\}}$

Some Notes

This problem becomes a little interesting if the LCM given was say $336$. Now you have to be more careful in distributing the $28$. It cannot be split as $2$ and $2$, otherwise it will affect the GCD. So you have to take the $4$ factor completely.

lab bhattacharjee has of of course a more formal approach.