[Math] Finding unknown in a polynomial given unknown factor.


The polynomial $2x^4 – ax^3 + 19x^2 – 20x + 12$ has the factor in the form $(x-k)^2$, where $k$ is positive real integer. Find the value of $k$ and $a$ and show that the polynomial is non-negative for all real values of $x$.

I can't figure out any way to solve this with an unknown factor.
Is there any way to do this question?
Or the question is missing something?

The answer for this question is $k=2, a=10$.

Best Answer

[ EDIT ]  The original answer is in the P.S. at the bottom of this post. Immediately following is a different and complete answer.

For $P(x) = 2x^4 - ax^3 + 19x^2 - 20x + 12$ to have a double root, it must have that root in common with its derivative $P'(x) = 8 x^3 -3 a x^2 +38 x - 20$. Eliminating $a$ between the two equations $P(x)=P'(x)=0$ gives:

$$ Q(x) = 2 x^4 - 19 x^2 + 40 x - 36 = 0 $$

Therefore any double root of $P$ must be a root of $Q$. It is easily verified that any integer root of $Q$:

  • must be a divisor of $36$;

  • must be even since the polynomial has exactly one odd coefficient;

  • if a multiple of $3$ it must be a multiple of $9$ otherwise the equality fails $\bmod 9$.

Given that the double root is assumed to be a positive integer, the above leaves $x=2,4,18,36 \;$ $(\dagger)\;$ as the only eligible roots. By direct verification, $2$ is the only one which is in fact a root of $Q(x)$.

Substituting $x=2$ back in $P(x)=0$ gives $a=10$. Given how the derivation worked, $x=2$ is known at this point to be a double root of $P$ for $a=10$ so no further verification is necessary.

$\dagger\;$ Note: if $a$ is assumed to be an integer, then the common root would have to be a divisor of $\gcd(12, 20, 36) = 4$ which would limit the eligible values to just $2,4$.

[ EDIT ]   P.S. Below is the original answer.

Partial but quick solution: let $2x^4 - ax^3 + 19x^2 - 20x + 12 = (2 x^2 + b x + c)(x^2 - 2k x + k^2)$.

Assume that $c \in \mathbb{Z}\;$ ("assume" because $c$ is not otherwise required to be an integer), then it follows that $k^2 \mid 12$ with integer solutions $k = \pm 1, \pm 2$. The polynomial has no negative roots by the rule of signs, which leaves $k=1,2$ as candidates.

  • $k=1$ implies $2 - a + 19 - 20 + 12 = 0$ so $a=13$. But the derivative $8 x^3 - 39 x^2 + 38 x - 20$ does not vanish at $x=1$ so $1$ is not a double root.

  • following the same steps, $k=2$ gives $a=10$ which can be verified to satisfy all conditions.

Note that the above finds one solution quickly, but does not prove that it's the only solution.

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