[Math] Finding unit vectors the form an angle with another vector



Find two unit vectors in 2-space that make an angle of $45°$ with $4i + 3j$.

I tried letting the other vector, v = ai +bj.

Then I used the dot product trying to obtain and and b,


$(4a + 3b) = \frac{5}{\sqrt{2}}||v||\sqrt{a^2+b^2}$

$(16a^2 + 9b^2) = \frac{25}{{2}}(a^2+b^2)$

Once I get here, I'm unsure how to progress. I end up with a multi-variable expression I'm not too sure how to solve.

Best Answer

The question asks for two unit vectors, so $\|v\|=1$.

Also, I don't see a connection between the equation $$(4i+3j).(ai+bj)=5||v||cos45$$


$$(4a + 3b) = \frac{5}{\sqrt{2}}||v||\sqrt{a^2+b^2}$$

Can you explain how one follows from the other? I need to understand your thinking before I can direct it to the answer.