[Math] Finding the sum of all products of pairs of distinct primitive roots mod 83

abstract-algebraelementary-number-theorynumber theory

I'm currently studying Number Theory and I've stumbled upon a question where I need to: Find the sum of all products of pairs of distinct primitive roots mod 83.

Solving attempt: I've tried to find all the primitive roots mod 83 but then I realized that there are probably many of them and the calculations are getting heavy on high powers. I guess there might be a simpler approach then just finding all the primitive roots and summing all the products of distinct primitive roots. I do know that the product of all primitive roots (mod p) is 1 mod p but I don't see how it helps me.

Any help would be appreciated.

Best Answer

Let $g$ be a primitive root of $83$. Then all the primitive roots are $g^k$ where $k$ is relatively prime to $82$, so all $g^k$ with odd $k$ from $k=1$ to $k=81$, with the exception of $k=41$. These are all the quadratic non-residues of $83$ except $-1$.

Let $S$ be the sum of the primitive roots. Then the sum of the quadratic non-residues of $83$ is congruent to $S-1$ modulo $p$. This is $0$ modulo $83$, so $S\equiv 1\pmod{83}$.

The sum of the squares of the quadratic non-residues is congruent to $0$ modulo $83$. This is because $83$ is of the form $4k-1$, so $x$ is a QR if and only if $-x$ is an NR. So the sum $T$ of the squares of the primitive roots is congruent to $-1$.

Our sum of products is $\frac{1}{2}(S^2-T)$, which is congruent to $1$ modulo $p$.

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