[Math] Finding the sides of Right Triangle when only angles are given


I have a question in which a Right angle triangle is given, one of the angle is 50 degree. Since it is a right angle therefor other two angles are 90degrees and 40degrees.

The perpendicular of this triangle is equal to x, while the base of the triangle is equal to y.

The question is if x/y is greater than 1 or not ?

How come I'd know by just using the variable that if the answer would be greater or less than 1 since there is no other sides are given ?

Here is what the Triangle looks like.

enter image description here

There is no additional data given whatsoever.

Best Answer

${x\over y}=\tan50^\circ$

We know that $f(x)=\tan x$ is an increasing function in $(0,{\pi\over2})$

since $50^\circ >{\pi\over4}$

$\therefore \tan{50^\circ}>1$, Hence $({x\over y})>1$

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