[Math] Finding the rank of an non-invertible matrix


I have a $3\times3$ matrix with three different eigenvalues $0,1, 2$.

The question is: what is the rank of this matrix? If the matrix was invertible, I could say that the rank was equal to $n=3$. But as zero is an eigenvalue of this matrix, this matrix does not satisfy the Invertible Matrix Theorem.

How should I determine the rank? Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

  1. All eigenvalues are different, then the matrix is diagonalizable.
  2. The corresponding diagonal matrix has the eigenvalues on the diagonal, i.e. $$ S^{-1}AS=D=\left[\matrix{2 & 0 & 0\\0 & 1 & 0\\0 & 0 & 0}\right]. $$
  3. The matrices $A$ and $D$ have the same rank.