[Math] finding the radius of the circle given a coordinate

analytic geometrycircles

find the radius of the circle with center at (-1,2) if a chord of length 10 is bisected at (4,-3).(this is exactly what our professor given to us)

im thinking of using the distance formula which is


but our topic is about division of line segment but i think i cant use that because the problem is about finding the length of radius of a circle
link of the formula

and ive tried to graph it, but i dont know if it is correct.

my graph

this is according on my understanding

Best Answer

As the perpendicular bisector of any chord of any given circle must pass through the center O$(-1,2)$ of that circle.

If $P(4,-3)$ is midpoint of the chord and $R$ is one of the extreme points,

$OR^2=OP^2+PR^2, PR=5$ unit

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