[Math] Finding the position of third root when two roots are given of two equation


If $a,b,c \in R$ such that $abc \neq0$ If $x_1$ is a root of $a^2x^2+bx+c=0, x_2$ is a root of $a^2x^2-bx-c=0 $ and $x_1 > x_2 >0$ then the equation $a^2x^2+2bx+2c=0$ has roots $x_3$ .

Prove that $x_3$ lies between $x_1 \& x_2$

Let f(x) = $a^2x^2+2bx+2c=0$

$\Rightarrow f(x_1)=a^2x_1^2+2bx_1+2c=-a^2x_1^2$

$\Rightarrow f(x_2) = a^2x_2^2+2bx_2+2c=3a^2x_2^2$

$\Rightarrow f(x_1)(x_2) = (3a^2x_2^2)(-a^2x_1^2) <0$

$\Rightarrow $Thus one root of $a^2x^2+2bx+2c=0$ will lie between $x_1 \& x_2$

Please provide explanation on the last statement of this answer how it derived …Thanks..

Best Answer

Make a rough sketch of your findings. Will the curve cut the x-axis?

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