[Math] Finding the PDF using the CDF Method

probabilityprobability distributionsprobability theoryrandom variablesstatistics

I am currently working through a series of lecture notes on functions of random variables and I have been given the following as an exercise.

Find the PDF of $X=Z^2$ given $Z$~$N(0,1)$ using the CDF method.

I was under the impression that the normal distribution was not easily integrable, which would make this question a bad candidate for the cdf method.

Is this thinking correct or am I missing something ?

Best Answer

Yes, your thinking is wrong since we don't actually need to evaluate the CDF. We can simply notice that $\Phi'(z) = F_Z'(z) = f_Z(z) = \phi(z)$, where $\Phi$ and $\phi$ are the standard normal CDF and PDF respectively.

Proceed directly, $$P(X\leq x) = P(Z^2\leq x) = P(|Z|\leq \sqrt{x}).$$

What can you say about $|Z|\leq \sqrt x$? Can you rewrite $P(|Z|\leq \sqrt x)$ in terms of $\Phi$?